The Weapons of our Warfare – Tactics 1 – Spiritual Gifts

We now move on to consider tactical operations and will look at Spiritual Gifts – why and how are they given, what is actually given, to whom are they given and how are they to be used.

With any sort of ammunition, you need to know what it is and how to deploy it effectively, in order to achieve the strategic objectives set by our Commander-in-Chief.

First point to note: We need to target the enemy, not each other! So-called ‘spiritual gifts’ have often been used by believers against other believers and ‘Friendly fire’ is just as deadly as any enemy fire – probably more so, as it brings doubt and discouragement to our own forces and has caused many to fall away completely.

The second point follows on from the first: Ministry without maturity can be dangerous. Not that receiving Spiritual Gifts is dependent on us having come to maturity – in that case, none of us would have any! But there has to be a parallel development in maturity, a.k.a. the Fruit of the Spirit.

Let’s remind ourselves of what the filling of the Spirit is, as He does not give the gifts apart from Himself – the Spiritual Gifts are simply the Spirit of God operating in us as He dwells with us and in us – the Renewed Mind Filled with the Spirit – open to each and every believer regardless of the length of time they’ve been saved (Acts 2:39)

What is being filled with the Spirit?

  • What it is not
    • Not a badge of merit for superior Christians
    • Not a reward for notching up a few brownie points
    • Not a feel-good factor or warm fuzzy feeling – although may be accompanied by an emotional and/or physical response
  • What it is
    • The coming of the presence of God into your body, soul and spirit
    • The divine afflatus – a strong creative impulse, especially as a result of divine inspiration. [Latin afflātus , from past participle of afflāre , to breathe]
    • An anointing for service Luke 4:14-23
    • The empowering presence of God to be all that He wants you to be and to do all that He wants you to do

All the above apply to Spiritual Gifts, but what are they?

Two lists in 1 Cor. 12, one in Rom. 12 and one in Eph. 4, plus some instructions on their use in 1 Pet. 4:9-11

The emphasis is on unity. Rom. 12:4 one body; 1 Cor. 12:12 one body; Eph. 4:4 one body.

The promotion and use of Spiritual Gifts can be very divisive and if they are used that way, I suggest that the flesh is in operation. Can you use Spiritual Gifts in the flesh? Experience suggests so! E.g. a word given by the Spirit and applied in the flesh, prefaced with ‘Thus says the Lord’ (or equivalent) – allows no argument, which contradicts the Scriptural injunction for ‘words’ to be tested.

Note the involvement of the whole Tri-unity

1 Cor. 12:4-6

  What/who is givenWho does the givingEmphasis
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;1 Cor. 12:7-13; 28-30MinistriesThe SpiritUnity in the body
and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord;Eph. 4:11MenThe Lord JesusMaturity of the Body
and there are varieties of activities but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyoneRom. 12:4-8MannerThe FatherHarmony in the Body

Ch. 13: 1-3 The Motivation for the Gifts – Love

Ch. 13: 8-12 The Measure of the Gifts However impressive, they are temporal only

Ch. 14 The Method of Management of the Gifts NB they are exercised in the assembly under the headship of Christ for edification, with consideration of others– accountability is essential –1 Thess. 5:21. Spiritual Gifting does not entitle you to be a Lone Ranger – you’re more likely to be a Lone Wolf in sheep’s clothing (1 Cor. 14:29-32)

1 Cor. 12:7-13 – Gifts given by the Spirit

Note v. 12 emphasis on unity and one body and v. 27-30 note emphasis on variety

Knowing gifts – for a specific situation (otherwise it’s equivalent to clairvoyance!)

  • A word of wisdom – understanding which goes beyond natural ability
  • A word of knowledge – knowledge about, or of something, which you could not have known naturally (if used to control someone or a situation, it’s witchcraft!)
  • Distinguishings of spirits – knowing if something or someone is from God

Action gifts – each instance is a gift (note plurals)

  • Faith – a specific trust in specific circumstances
  • Gifts of healings – often accompanied by a gift of faith or of knowledge
  • Workings of miracles – particularly associated with the Apostles

Speaking gifts  – each instance is a gift (note plurals)

  • Prophecy – speaking out the Word of God, particularly in a specific situation  (as opposed to teaching or preaching)
  • Various kinds of tongues – use of a language which is unknown to the speaker, to praise God, or sometimes as a message to the hearers (requires interpretation)
  • Interpretations of tongues – see above

Sense that all the gifts are available to anyone at any time as the Spirit enables, like bunches of grapes hanging down, waiting for you to pick one off as appropriate – walking in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Releases you from the stress of identifying ‘your’ gift –it will be more obvious to others anyway!

v.28-30 Starts moving towards the people who are gifts rather than the gifts they use

And God has appointed in the church

  • first apostles, – pioneers, church planters, opening up new areas for the Gospel
  • second prophets, – may have had inspired messages to speak to God’s people before the New Testament was widely available (e.g. Acts 13:1-2; Eph. 2:20)
  • third teachers, – teaching the Word of God as revealed in Scripture
  • then miracles,
  • then gifts of healings,
  • helping,
  • administering,
  • various kinds of tongues,
  • interpretation of tongues

Eph. 4:11 Gifts given by the ascended glorified Lord Jesus

gives anointed people as appointed gifts to the Church.

  • The apostles,
  • The prophets,
  • The evangelists, – those with specific gifts for reaching the unsaved
  • The shepherds and teachers, – a full pastoral ministry

Why? “To equip the saints for the work of ministry (not to do all the work themselves!) for building up the body of Christ”

To sum up the gifts explicitly listed in NT

Type  Type  
ActionActs of mercy RoleApostles 
 Giving  Evangelists 
 Administrating  Leading 
 Helping/Serving  Shepherds and Teachers, 
 Hospitality SpeakingExhorting 
 Miracles  Speaking 
 Gifts of healings  Teaching 
KnowingA word of knowledge  Prophecy 
 A word of wisdom  Kinds of Tongues 
 Distinguishings of spirits  Interpretations of Tongues 

Not patience, maturity or discernment – these are our responsibility! Heb. 5:14; 2 Pet. 1:5-8

How are the gifts to be used?

Rom. 12:3-8, 13 – Gifts given by God

Discuss, along with pp 1 Pet. 4:9-11

How they are NOT to be used

  • To make us look good
  • To make us feel good
  • To promote our favourite doctrine or agenda
  • To get one over on the Pastor
  • To co-opt God onto our agenda

How were they used in the NT?

(Jesus used them all apart from tongues?)

  • To draw people to Christ – Acts 2:6-7 tongues; Acts 3:11 preaching and healing; Acts 9:42 miracle (raising of Dorcas); loads of examples of evangelical proclamation in Acts
  • To answer persecutors – Acts 4:8-12, 19-20 word of wisdom (Peter to Sanhedrin);
  • To support those less well off – Acts 4:32-35 generosity;
  • In Church discipline – Acts 5:3-4 word of knowledge;
  • To authenticate Stephen’s preaching – Acts 6:8 miracles;
  • To commission the Apostle Paul Acts 9:12-18 healing;
  • To prepare the disciples to help others Acts 11:28 word of knowledge;
  • To set apart Paul and Barnabas for the work Acts 13:1-2 prophecy
  • To prepare Paul for persecution Acts 21:11 word of knowledge
  • To bring conviction to the unbeliever 1 Cor. 14:24 prophecy
  • To validate Paul’s calling as an Apostle 2 Cor. 12:12 miracles (signs and wonders)
  • To encourage and strengthen the people of God Rom. 1:11-12

Summarise how and why the Spiritual Gifts are to be used:

  • In reliance on the Holy Spirit – not ‘My’ gift or gifts but His, or rather, Himself – variety
  • To promote unity in the Body
  • To serve others in Love
  • With consideration, humility and grace
  • To build other people up
  • To bring unbelievers to Christ
  • Not as a substitute for Spiritual Maturity
  • Not to be confused with Fruit