Diving In Covenant 4 The Abrahamic Covenant – The Oath of the Covenant

The Oath made:

  • Gen 22:15-18; 24:7; Heb. 6:13-20
  • Psa. 105:9; Micah 7:20; Luke 1:73

Other things God has sworn by Himself:

  • Isa. 45:23 that every knee will bow
  • Jer. 22:5 the destruction of the Temple because of Judah’s injustice and forsaken the Covenan
  • Jer. 49:13 the destruction of Edom because of the ancient enmity
  • Jer. 54:14 the destruction of Babylon because of what they did to Judah
  • Amos 6:8 the exile of Israel because of their pride

The Covenant confirmed:

  • to Isaac Gen.26:2-5,23-25;
  • to Jacob Gen.28:13-22

Binding of Isaac: Faith and Sacrifice

Our discussion revolved around the biblical story of the binding of Isaac. We highlighted how the story illustrates the depth of Abraham’s faith and the bond he shared with Isaac. The conversation also touched upon Isaac’s faith and his willingness to be sacrificed. The participants made connections between the story and the life of Jesus, suggesting parallels between Isaac’s disappearance after the event and Jesus’ ascension to the Father’s right hand. The discussion concluded with Elizabeth asking if Isaac would have willingly laid on the altar because he loved his father and believed in God’s provision.

The group debated the nature of the covenant with Abraham, emphasizing the role of obedience, law, promise, and faith. The discussion concluded that worship is not only about singing songs but also about obedience.

The discussion then shifted to the covenant with Abraham, with a focus on the blessing of possessing the gates of their enemies. We also pointed out the connection between the seed and Jesus, suggesting a link between earthly and heavenly history. We explored the theme of divine intervention and God’s covenant, with a focus on the concept of ‘seed’ or descendants, linking it to Christ according to Galatians 3. David noted that the blessing of Abraham extends to all nations through Christ, but the blessing of Abraham that comes to believers is the giving of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 3:14).

The group discussed the concept of spiritual warfare and its connection to real-world conflicts. They explored the idea of taking territory for God’s kingdom and the challenges faced in ancient times, such as violence and resource scarcity. The discussion concluded with the idea that the covenant and faith in it became fundamental to the life of the nation of Israel.

We discussed the significance of God’s covenants and how they are upheld, highlighting the steadfast nature of God’s covenants. We also discussed the trials of Abraham and how they tested his faith.

The conversation touched on the different characters of these patriarchs and how they contributed to the story. We looked at the confirmation of the Covenant to Isaac and later to Jacob and debated the physical comfort of lying down on a rock (!) and the religious importance of various locations, such as Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. We emphasised that these places hold significant spiritual meaning, and the idea of these places serving as intersections between heaven and earth.

We will review and summarise the Abrahamic covenant in the next session, focusing on the participants in the covenant, the provisions of the Covenant, the basis of the covenant, its typology, and see how it is the basis for all the remaining Covenants in the Bible.