Spiritual Warfare seminars

We aim to cover Spiritual Warfare systematically and structurally – people tend to zoom in on the Gifts and the spectacular and forget the training and discipline that’s so essential if we’re to make any dent in the enemy’s lines!

A series of Zoom seminars with a group of friends will explore the whole concept of Spiritual Warfare. We’re not setting ourselves up as experts – far from it! – but want to explore with others what we are to understand about Spiritual Warfare and how it encompasses our whole life as discples of the Lord Jesus Christ – our Commanding Officer.

You can follow the progress of these discussions in the YouTube videos that are posted here. New videos will be added weekly as we cover tge various topics.

In the first four sessions, we worked through the topics in the Spiritual Warfare Primer (see this article) so that we can see the scope of the whole subject – these sessions will not go into great detail of each topic but will be an overview, as they will be followed by sessions dealing with the details of:

  1. Our Strategy and Tactics
    • Jesus’ Strategy and Tactics – The Cross, The Word of God, The Church, Discipleship
    • Praise and worship as warfare
    • Being filled with the Holy Spirit
  2. Our Arsenal
    • The Weapons of our Warfare – Renewing of the mind, the Armour, the Spiritual Gifts – what are they? where and how do you use them?
    • Discerning of spirits
    • Discerning the times
  3. Our enemy
    • His strategy and tactics – to include deception, infiltration, division, fear, oppression, addiction plus others
    • Strongholds – emotional, intellectual, physical
    • Territorial spirits
  4. Putting it all into practice

Numbers for the Zoom sessions are limited to invitees only to keep numbers small enough for a freely flowing conversation. The sessions will also be live-streamed on YouTube so they can be watched live (with the opportunity to submit comments or questions), or watched later on my channel. Please contact me via the Contact Form if you would like more information.

Materials from these sessions will be made available on this site as they are introduced.